Unveiling it

Musical Bridges and the Art of Storytelling with George's 100th Milestone

February 19, 2024 George Season 2 Episode 4
Musical Bridges and the Art of Storytelling with George's 100th Milestone
Unveiling it
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Unveiling it
Musical Bridges and the Art of Storytelling with George's 100th Milestone
Feb 19, 2024 Season 2 Episode 4

As I uncork the bubbly to celebrate a milestone 100th episode, I find myself awash with appreciation for the vibrant tapestry we've woven together through raw storytelling and shared laughter. It's been a journey of humble beginnings that blossomed into a community, and for that, my gratitude knows no bounds. Together, we've danced through tales of triumph and tribulation, and it's time to acknowledge the unseen efforts beneath the surface of every achievement. So raise your glass with me, George, as we toast to the chapters we've written and the ones still to come, including a deep dive into one story that has shaped my life, offering a fresh lens on how podcasts can spark discovery and personal growth.

Happy Days,


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As I uncork the bubbly to celebrate a milestone 100th episode, I find myself awash with appreciation for the vibrant tapestry we've woven together through raw storytelling and shared laughter. It's been a journey of humble beginnings that blossomed into a community, and for that, my gratitude knows no bounds. Together, we've danced through tales of triumph and tribulation, and it's time to acknowledge the unseen efforts beneath the surface of every achievement. So raise your glass with me, George, as we toast to the chapters we've written and the ones still to come, including a deep dive into one story that has shaped my life, offering a fresh lens on how podcasts can spark discovery and personal growth.

Happy Days,


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Follow and support @georgepodcasts on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

Hey, hello everyone. This is George. Welcome to another episode of Unveiling it. Unveiling it with me, with your host, george. Hello, hello, hello, hello everyone. How's everything been? I think everything has been all right for everyone. Whoa, enjoy, enjoy this. All right, yay, and here again. It's been a while I haven't sit down and recorded anything, but I'm back, I'm back again and I'm not going to stop, because right now I feel like a train, as we'll say the other day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's put some music, yeah, so I'm here in Wannable Wannable, I think, is the correct pronunciation. I'm saying to someone, if I get the correct pronunciation. Or Wannable, get me a medal, get me a trophy, whatever. Well, I'm here today. I'm going to stay here and enjoy this beautiful town. It's beautiful, it's amazing. It's the connection that is between the ocean and the town. It's just great. And also the penguins. I think it's this penguin who lives here. He comes to the beach and stays in there in a per day, I think it's called.

Speaker 1:

Well, this is my a little bit lost, but this is my 100th episode. The celebration of that moment is a special moment for me and I just wanted to say thank you and please give yourself I got it here. Give yourself a bit of applause. Yeah, because yeah, yes, yes, yes, put it on, let's put it on, bring it on, man, bring it on again. Yeah, yeah, come on, bring it on. So, yeah, it's been great. It's been great because when I started this show, I thought, oh, I'm going to get five downloads.

Speaker 1:

Like five downloads, I think for me it's just OK. Yeah, Like well, I don't need more. And then I was with. When I started this project, I was with a friend and the guy has a lot more experience than me in radio and stuff like that, which I don't have it, but I don't care. It's like a different story and we shouldn't compare people around. That's a mistake, in my opinion. Sometimes we do. It's not fair, right, comparing one human being with another. Sometimes that happens. I'm telling you guys, don't do it. Don't do it, because right now I'm getting my 100 downloads, downloads, and so happy and unique. This show is unique. If you're here, if you have the time to sit down here, it's because you're unique as well. So welcome, welcome to my show and welcome to my life as well, because most of these stories that I tell here are part, a way, part of my life. At some point.

Speaker 1:

I got a special story that I would like to share with you guys, and I think that when I'm done with that because it's going and I don't want to is that when you have a project, you don't tell people around about your project. Once you've done it, you tell everyone but no one is going to see the effort Like you. Just, you know this cliche about the tip of the iceberg, but you don't see the whole iceberg. It's the same thing. You just see the tip, so the pointing, the white, beautiful, but no one is going to see what you had to do to get that goal or that achievement. No one's going to see it. Sometimes we fight, we struggle and we learn, and that's life. Life is a constant learning process. When you learn and learn, and again and again it's like a loop Right. And I've got a nice thing, because I think when I shift, when I'm waiting for, I'm going to make, I'm going to make maybe a season. Right, I promise it's going to be a season, chapter one, I'm sorry, episode one. Oh, I'm going to say chapter. It's too. It's funny, I don't know. I don't know, I'm going to make it, I'm going to digest it for you guys, I'm going to make it into episodes one by one. I don't know how many, but I'm going to get some. And you know, part of the story is I'm going to make it into episodes one by one, but I'm going to get some. And you know there's a part of that story that was linked to the podcast Because, believe it or not, I used I've used a podcast recently to find an answer and I used it.

Speaker 1:

Once I used it I went like, oh my God and a podcast, and I used it in a podcast to find an answer. It helps. Look, if you are here and if you listen to someone else's podcast, give yourself a clap because it's good. You know this is a new like. If you're looking for answers, this is the place to find your answers. Yeah, probably right now. I got a lot of you. If you're here because you have questions, I don't have the answers for all your questions, but probably I have one or two answers, so stay tuned Right. So 100.

Speaker 1:

It feels like this podcast has been for three months or four months when I started and now 100. One and two zeroes Amazing. It feels great. It feels like oh sorry, I'm just gonna grab the microphone a little bit. It feels great. It feels like, wow, 100 is 100. 100 dollars, for instance, think about 100.

Speaker 1:

Like I was, someone was saying the other day I got from UK Alistair, alistair. He was saying like, imagine 100 people in a room. Are you gonna think, wow, 100 people, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a crowd, yeah, 100. Imagine yourself if you're a singer. I used to be a singer. Imagine if you're a singer, I'll feel whatever. Imagine you in front of an audience of 100 people. Yeah, good, yeah, yeah. So it feels great.

Speaker 1:

So that's what I decided to come here to Wannable, record a show, maybe, depending on energy levels, going out and I would like to enjoy the city. Like, oh no, this is not a city, the town At night it's different. Right, if you travel like people who travel to different countries, whatever different cities, and then you go in the morning, that's one city. And if you go out at night, at night, it's a totally different city, in a different atmosphere than in a different. It's very, totally different. I got friends I think it's Rio in Brazil. I think it's Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, like someone. Once a person told me no, rio de Janeiro in the morning is one city, at night. It's a totally different city, right? Cheers guys, cheers All right. So Wannable. Wannable is nice, wannable is very nice.

Speaker 1:

If you jump into, if you got the chance to visit my Instagram, it's very easy. I'm going to tell you If you are, if you come here for the first time. It's George Podcast. That's it Very easy. I posted a picture of I think it's a building, heritage building, I don't know. It's very nice, it's just amazing. Have a look, because part of my Instagram is is the podcast, but part. There's another part of my Instagram that I feel free. You know, like if I wanted to post the picture, I go on to and then shout it and then do it. I'm free on my podcast. I'm free on my podcast and I'm free on my Instagram and I'm a free person. Everyone.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever feel the opposite? Sometimes we feel like we are in jails, mental, mental jails. Get off of your mental jail and enjoy. Sometimes we, we, we locked ourselves in those mental jails and I feel no. So my question is how do you, you get off of your mental jails? And if you don't have the answer, I don't gonna give you the answer. That's why, because do you have the answer? I don't have it. I escaped from my mental jail and I did it and I'm so happy. That's what I feel happy.

Speaker 1:

Getting off this mental jail gives you more freedom, for instance, and also you start being yourself. Otherwise, if you're in a mental jail, you are. It's like what happened when you, when I've never been to a prison and that would be nice not nice, but it would be interesting to see what is the human, the human behaviour when you are behind bars. What happened? I've never been and I don't wanna be, but it could be like. Maybe you can learn. You can learn something when you're in jail, like inside, and then when you're free, you're a different person. I think I believe that's true when you, let's say, when you get off the jail, when you finish your let's say, I don't know who has been in jail, maybe someone is listening to this podcast and has that experience.

Speaker 1:

I've been into a mental jail for for a couple of years, I think, and recently I decided to escape Me. No one else, just me. So let's get off, get off of this jail and I, I see myself as a different person. Yeah, and you know what I'm? I'm gonna put some music. I'm gonna put some music and you know there's a couple of things that I need to like. I want to be free, so I want to be free in my podcast and I put some music. That's it. You guys gonna stay in here a little bit and see what's happening.

Speaker 1:

I plans and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and. So here, if you guys can notice, that's like a monkey on the background and you got here. The monkey is a monkey, so I'm going to explain what happened in that part. So this sound like my friend and I was gonna say hello to my friend, steven. If he's listening to this episode, I will appreciate him, and then we're gonna play some again. So he, he was playing the sound and it's in the background and that's all he like.

Speaker 1:

I want to do something, so I want to be free, right? So it's my. It's good when you have this feeling of freedom, right, like I want to be free and you want to do it, and that's good. Look, let's see, I like positivity, right, and a positive person, so let's see things in a positive way.

Speaker 1:

When you want to escape, then you find a way to escape right from your whatever is happening in your life. So you, you managed, and then you find, you find you think about strategies. It's gonna train you a little bit, right, it's gonna train you, your brain, whatever that's going to happen. However, stay focused. Visualize your goal, whatever, whatever you need to achieve, get. Don't, don't take your eyes from the, let's say, from the goal. Keep it, keep an eyes on there and you get it. I'm telling you, that's the answer that you were looking for. Don't get distracted. Go and do it. So anyway, um, let's talk about DJ.

Speaker 1:

So I was yeah, I was. I was saying I want to be free, so listen to, uh, so I'm just playing what, what's happening? What happened before? I was in like I couldn't listen this sound internal and using the headphones and I managed to get both sounds on the same tune, right? So once it's going and the guys see, it's the same tune, it's the same tune, it's the same key in music and the guy singing, see, and the key. So what I did, I changed, I changed the pitch of the sound, that's that is on the background, internal. Using my music aside skills, I went oh see, and the sound, the other one is, and the guy is in tune, the guy that is singing, right, one once. Once I got this organized, I put it, I put a play, a match the. Well, I don't want to explain everything, but yeah, I'm much both, because that's the DJ, that's the. That's why the DJs do is they match this sounds together, but then sound like a same, is like it's the same piece of music. That's the job, right, that's the job. See, it's the same one.

Speaker 1:

And then my friend was playing with it, with the drums, with the Congo, so Bongos. So we have like a progressive, I think it's progressive techno, I think it's yeah. And then on the background, you're gonna listen, once, we let the other son listen to that. There we go, we're pa, we're pa, we're pa a guanile, right? So, guys, that's salsa, salsa for you, guys. And yeah, just gonna leave it there, right? So that was salsa mixed in with with progressive house. So I don't know what was it? I think it's. I think there was a progressive house or progressive techno, whatever it's.

Speaker 1:

Even on me, he likes, he likes techno and I like other stuff. I like I can show you what my style is is more Afro, like Afro, afro, house, stuff like that. I'll show you, guys, my style. That's. That was my project with my friend Stephen, and now this is me joy, this is me. This is George podcast on the decks. This is my style. It goes into a different BPM, more like relax, slow, and that's what I like.

Speaker 1:

All right, guys, this is George podcast on the decks. Yeah, I had to be again on the decks. I just missed that. I have to do it again. And right guys, thank you. I don't know how to say I think I've been very bond redundant talking about thank you, thank you, thank you. But I'm really, I'm really glad and I'm really feel. I really feel this at this, feeling like I can even I don't know how to share that feeling with you guys through the microphones, but, but I'm so happy that I go into still recording more episodes for you guys and, as I was saying at the beginning, I'm gonna have a special guest coming from Colombia and we're gonna have Danny Fuentes soon in the horses with with us in the country of of kangaroos, the country of good people, the country of the beautiful magpies, the country of the beautiful Koala's, the country of the beautiful landscapes.

Speaker 1:

Here is the place, here is the place to be. We're in Victoria. I'm feeling now like going out for to dance I don't know if you guys, but I don't know DJ George, oh sorry, george, just give me that Corace. Corace is the word in Portuguese. Here you go, this is George, this is George Corace. Enjoy, alright, alright, alright.

Speaker 1:

So, guys, if you want to support this project, just cover Open SoundCloud, soundcloud Like sound, and then cloud, like the ones in the sky, all together, and go and type the podcast, the podcast by George, and then there you go, you're gonna see me with my head Beautiful, they have bought it here, of course, and I got my son from the first season. You will be able to see me over there and follow, follow the project as well, why not? If you want to listen to some vibes, we're gonna be doing the Tirando Parigia project over there. Also, I'm gonna be playing there, like this music that you hear in the background. Alright, guys, I'm just gonna go for now, go for and enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

One of them will, during the night, see how's the city, how's the place, and I don't know. Maybe I don't know what to think, but maybe no, I don't know what to say, probably, but I'm thinking a lot of stuff. But maybe here, have fun, meet, look when I, when I go outside, and the only reason that I'm, for me it's a win, it's getting to know someone that I don't know. Right, for me that's a win Because it's like being against the, let's say, the technology revolution and stuff like that, where you can go and into these applications I don't want to say any name, but you can go there and meet people and go out with that person that you met on an application, which is not bad, that's good, that's a resource. Sometimes we're people, we're people. We have to use all resources we have.

Speaker 1:

However, well, this is a Brazilian vibes, brazilian vibes, I like that. That's what I like. You know. It's reminds me of Like something cultural. For me, the music is just the I was describing to one of my friends when I started this project, the DJ project Like. For me, the music is like, the DJ is like a modem.

Speaker 1:

You know, in the in the past. There's people, they get together around the fire, so there's a fireplace, they get together around the fire and they start dancing, they start drinking, they start having fun, jumping, doing a lot of, a lot of movements, talking, and then if you, if you think about it, that's what you do when you go in a party, that's what you do when you go out, that's what you do when you, and then who's? Who's the person with the drums? That's the DJ. That's the DJ. That's a guy, because the guy can.

Speaker 1:

If you are a DJ I mean if you listen to these podcasts and if you are a DJ, you know that you can control the party. They control the party. They know how to go slow. They know how to put you high, slow, high and slow. For instance, listen to this, that's slow. Yeah, I don't know the time of the day that you listen to these podcasts, but then I will listen to it. Let's go Good, yeah, so that's slow, we can go.

Speaker 1:

The machine has the DJ controller, has the is the tempo, and the musicians call it tempo, but they call it pitch. So now, with the pitch, you can adjust the BPM, which is the beat Beats per minute. So the DJ has that control, so it means it controls the drums and that's the analogy that I'm making with the originals the tribes. Who has the drum? And they just bam, bam, bam bam. One, two, three, go, one, bam, bam. I can put it high.

Speaker 1:

My friend, stephen, likes to the music that he likes to play. He likes to play a little bit more higher, like 120, 125 BPM beats per minute. I like to be like I can play 125, but unlike even 100. She's slow, very slow, sometimes 99, 97 until 191 or 122. That's the maximum that I play. However, I can play music really like hard, hard techno at that speed and then you will enjoy it. So, yeah, that's music. Let's go See. All right guys. So this is.

Speaker 1:

This was George, my project, music project. Please go and support if you like music. If you want to know my music style, go and have a listen to this set. If you want to know my or our project to random peresia, go and have a listen to the other set. That's just two sets at the moment, so it will be easy for you guys to have a listen.

Speaker 1:

And, yeah, just keep, keep, remember, be free, and then, if you don't feel free, be free, and then you will find is that me playing music, the story that I just told you how I was listening and trying to be free, and then I make this beautiful set putting salsa with progressive house together. But I did it because I wanted to be free and I told my friend, let me do it, I want to do it. And I felt when I was doing that you know, with the pitch and listening and internal, and then doing it, I felt free and then he helped me, he came and started. Then we both felt free the day and that's what I think. I don't know if you guys, if there is a DJ here listening to this, I don't know if the DJs feel free playing music, doing pressing the buttons they want to press, doing whatever you want to do.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it's not life, sometimes I don't know every situation you have. Sometimes you have to follow whatever you have to follow, you know, at work, a routine, probably, sometimes people they don't like to follow routines and they don't feel free. You know, and that's humans, we are humans beings, so that's right. Let's be free today, on the weekends, whatever you know, working or whatever. If you work and you feel free, amazing, that's the best thing and so for that, it's like you working, like if you guys support me, more views, probably one day I will be free and recording my podcast. That's what I'm dreaming about, but I'm going to need to work on this Right, like working is making episodes every week. So, yeah, posting, sorry, not making posting episodes every week. I don't make anything. I have fun here with you guys and that's good. I don't get any at the moment. I don't get any revenue for this. It's just the thing that I wanted to share with you guys my music, my experiences bringing in guests. I'm going to bring maybe. Danny Fuentes is coming from Colombia. He got a lot of stories about Colombia. He's going to learn English, so English, so you guys can at the moment when he arrives. So he's just going to keep recording in Spanish in my other show, dirándole cabeza, and then with him you guys are going to be during his learning process of English, which is amazing how you learned, I can tell.

Speaker 1:

When I arrived to Australia, I wasn't able to understand whatever they were saying on the speakers, on the announcer. You know the PA on the train stations. They just go random restaurants service. Wow, I went like what's that? What is this guy saying Anyone like well on the net services run, want to run later. France and four minutes, wow, oh, have a listen, enjoy. This is George podcast, george podcast, george podcast. Oh, alright, alright, alright, alright. We're just getting up to down or whatever. Up or down, I don't know, I don't care. We're getting to the end of this show. Thank you again and again and again. Thank you to be here.

Speaker 1:

I hope everyone now, if you're listening to this podcast and it's Friday on your country, or whatever you're doing at the moment, feel free, please feel free, be free. And if you are now feeling free, trying to wait to be free, you can make things that you won't imagine you can do in the process of being free. You're gonna find a lot of answers. You're gonna change yourself. You're gonna transform the way you think, you're gonna be a new person. I'm telling you, I can guarantee that you're gonna be a different person once you find that freedom and you get off these mental jails that we, sometimes we are the makers, the designers, the builders, all of them, the project managers, all of them. How we make it.

Speaker 1:

Get off of the mental jail, go and please meet me, no me, meet someone outside, someone new talk to a stranger. I'm being sane in these episodes, talked to the strangers and made them not to be in the stranger. That person has a story. All right, stay tuned because we're gonna have more episodes. We are in this season two of Unfurling it with me, with George. All right, guys, I'll see you in the next. See you, happy days. Go bye.

Celebrating 100 Episodes and Life
George Podcast
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone