Unveiling it

Unpacking Travel: Voices from Farms and Airbnbs Sydney series.

November 20, 2023 George Season 1 Episode 8
Unpacking Travel: Voices from Farms and Airbnbs Sydney series.
Unveiling it
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Unveiling it
Unpacking Travel: Voices from Farms and Airbnbs Sydney series.
Nov 20, 2023 Season 1 Episode 8

My first time recording a podcast at an airport, and let's just say it came with its unique set of challenges and perks. From the hustle and bustle of the busy terminals to the thrill of being on-the-go, Let's chat about it all while also reflecting on the powerful process of visualising and achieving goals. As we kick off this episode from a scenic farm in Australia, we also share our adventures of navigating through heavy traffic, dodging speed cameras, and soaking up the delightful weather. 

Hear about our escapades in Freemans Reach in New South Wales, the logistics of planning a trip, and the joy of discovering local restaurants. We’ve also got some tales from our time at the Marble Bar where I met some incredible individuals.

Grab your favourite drink and listen to this episode.

Happy days!


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My first time recording a podcast at an airport, and let's just say it came with its unique set of challenges and perks. From the hustle and bustle of the busy terminals to the thrill of being on-the-go, Let's chat about it all while also reflecting on the powerful process of visualising and achieving goals. As we kick off this episode from a scenic farm in Australia, we also share our adventures of navigating through heavy traffic, dodging speed cameras, and soaking up the delightful weather. 

Hear about our escapades in Freemans Reach in New South Wales, the logistics of planning a trip, and the joy of discovering local restaurants. We’ve also got some tales from our time at the Marble Bar where I met some incredible individuals.

Grab your favourite drink and listen to this episode.

Happy days!


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Follow and support @georgepodcasts on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

each country for the weak.

Speaker 3:

Hello, hello everyone, hello, whoever is there and here, who is over there and here. This episode I decided to start. It's going to be recorded, so at the back, I'm just gonna post it on my channel on YouTube, so go and check it out. It's gonna be the George podcast YouTube channel. I haven't created it, but it will be there, maybe today, I don't know when. No rush, no rush with that. This is just the first time that I'm just gonna show myself on the screen, on the TV screen. Yeah, well, I'm here.

Speaker 3:

I recorded a podcast for the very first time in an airport and the experience was amazing, really amazing. I remember waiting for this flight to come here to Sydney. I was at the gate number 6 and I went to the counter and I talked to the lady at the counter. I hate this. I'm drinking right now one of these cappuccinos in the bag and then you pour it into boiling water and then you made it and they call it coffee. But well, it is what it is. Sometimes that's what you have, and then you have to grab it and be thankful and say, yeah, thanks for this. Well, I was at the airport and I decided, for the very first time, to start recording a podcast at the airport and I was imagining myself doing it, and then that's what I call this attraction, when you imagine yourself doing or achieving your goals. So that's what I did. And guess what? I did it and there was a lot of people walking because it's a terminal, so it's busy. So, as you can imagine, there's guys, there's people assisting other people like disabled, like a sort of lady. She was laughing at me, but in a good way, of course, and because I was recording this podcast, and if you see on the screen right now, I got the machine, let's say, the mixer, and the mixer has a lot of colors. So, you know, I think I don't know why they made it with such a lot of colors. They should have made it just, I don't know, blue and red, but it got blue and then red and then pink and then yellow, and then all the colors are bright colors. I don't know, you know, I don't know why, but it is what it is.

Speaker 3:

So I was recording this podcast and I went to the counter and then because one time I missed my fly and I was talking about that, and then I wanted to, because I just have eight minutes. I don't know if that's enough for the podcast. And I was remembering the first time I missed the fly and I was back in Colombia. I was heading to a place in the south of Colombia and I just remembered I have a problem. I have an issue with my phone, so I have to charge it. I don't know why I wanted to have my phone like 100%, like the battery wanted to have it full, I don't know why. So I decided to turn it off. I don't know. I still figured out why I decided to turn my phone off and then I turned it off and I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I waited somewhere and I didn't have a watch with me. I don't know why I didn't check the time. Maybe at that time I wasn't really aware of time. And then I just I was distracted. And then I just heard my name on the speakers, on the announcements, and I went like I went like what's that? And I heard my name and I was like wow, this is going to start running. And I start running and I run and I missed the fly and then someone called me, one of my friends, a colleague in the town.

Speaker 3:

He called me. He was on the airplane, inside the airplane he called me like, hey, man, what happened with you? He just missed the fly. We are all inside the plane and I went like I don't know, I just wanted to charge my phone and I just put it on but they couldn't go and find me. They just called me, which is that was good. It was nice from then, but I will find the person. You know what I mean. But anyway, that happened and that was working, for I was struggling for business, not just for leisure Like right now.

Speaker 3:

If you see the background, we are in a farm, like in a farm on a ranch I don't know how you call it in your country In the back. It's a beautiful place. Guys, if you are here in Australia, new South Wales, come here. They don't pay me. I'm just saying this place is five stars. It's listed on Airbnb. It's called Studio 135. That's it. Just, believe me, amazing. Get everything. It's quiet. You got the nice back chart and the weather here. The weather and use of those is amazing. It's like being In Medellin. Whoever has been, you know, everyone has visited and Medellin is that, being Medellin, like the same kind of the same weather. And, yeah, we'll be hearing. And for those who are, you know, listen to this we are hearing late spring in Australia.

Speaker 3:

So it's Today, is November, the. I think it's November, the 20th of 2023. That's the present right now, but you could be in them. You can be in the past. So this is my present and whoever is listening to this, you got, you're in the past. So, yeah, news at Wells is the different this time. I just visited with different purpose and it's great. Actually, you can see a lot of traffic, like there's a lot of traffic control, like these traffic lights, um, and red on speed cameras On the road. That's the only thing that scares me, because I was driving, I drove to to here. I was driving. I've been driving the whole, the whole trip, which is also great as well. You can, you can move yourself around and Actually, by the way, I'm being sustainable because I'm I'm driving a, um high rip vehicle for the very, very, very first time.

Speaker 3:

As I'm just gonna put this, I'm gonna make a podcast called the very first time, and then you start, you know, doing the first and talking about the experiences. Experiences you do, um, the first time you do it, which is, you know, the first time you do things is quite cited. I find it is the way you enjoy life, that the must. That's the first time you do, I don't know, the first time you ride a bike, or the first time you I don't know you read your favorite book. So I believe that's the, is the, the specific moment when, when you enjoy it, things the must. And yeah, well, um, high rip vehicles are great. They're really um, like they really save Petrimony or fuel money. They're great and they've really quiet. So if you want to have like a nice Unquiet trip or road trip, get, get one of those. Amazing, amazing, um, yeah, I don't just gonna keep talking about that, but this is amazing.

Speaker 3:

And so, yep, I was at the airport and then I was. I was there and then I asked the at the counter and then the lady told me, because I checked my fly on google, then I saw it and I was like, okay, this, this is not good because, um, the google is telling me one thing and on my passport and this paper, I got it a different thing. They got it gate five and google, google is telling me gate six, or all the way around, and I just head to the and then in the lady she said like you look, um, just google it. No, I, oh my god, google it because we don't know, we don't got the information. So google has it, you don't have it. And I was like, how can this be? It's possible. So this is a thing, um, so google is trying to, you know, managed more information and more and more and more, even more information that the regular person, or the regular, the person who's working at the counters, they don't know. And this was like so why we have these People working for that company? So that's the thing to start thinking again.

Speaker 3:

Then, well, change, I changed the gate and then, because I was scared, like I'm just gonna lose this, I'm gonna miss this flight, even though I rock on to the airport very early. So I was there like two hours and it was a domestic flight, so I could just get plenty of time. And then I start recording this, this um, just like eight minutes, because I recorded the first. The first show was in spanish, so spanish, yeah, it took me 45 or something to record that one. Still figure it out, my audience, the audience, that you guys. But I would like to keep it separate, like, um, english In one in one show and in spanish in the other one, just, and I can, I was trying to mix, but that's right, I will find out and we will find out anyway. Um so, sydney, um, this I was.

Speaker 3:

I was saying that show, I know, just gonna take my time now that I have time to speak, to talk and I organized I don't know how you guys organize trips or holidays or vacations and I started with um, there's a thing, how, how you start that? That's the question. I started with the accommodation, that's it. Then I organized this trip One week, with one week ahead, like not one week, um, um, before coming here. So I just got one week to organize everything. So that means Everything's gonna be more expensive, that's it.

Speaker 3:

So I found the first place I don't want to talk about the first place because I don't like to talk about Negativity, but the first thing was wasn't like not good at all. So make sure, never stay in the pockies, like Above the pockies machines, or pockies. Pockies machines in Australia are these and gambling venues. So they there's people gambling like putting money into these digital machines, and they there's places they're open till very late, like 6 6 am in the morning On the week, on the weekends. So don't, don't do that. Don't do that and but if you don't have any other option, I'm just gonna give you the strategy, because that place was not cheap. What was affordable? So it was a three-star, three-star accommodation, no bad.

Speaker 3:

So I'll give you, I'm gonna give you the strategy. Just listen to this. So get the room and in my case, I know smoke, I don't smoke, so the thing was like the place was smelly, like I think the guest before me, that person, was smoking a whole whole thing the whole time. So what I did? I went to the supermarket and I caught this spray and it's not a fresher, wasn't a different one. I'm Gulling like air, like like an air cleaner or something like that. It's very cheap, like two dollars, and I got one of these sprays and I start and I spray the whole thing and then everything. You know everything. Good, I know it's a chemical, like I'm putting in the air or whatever. It's another chemical. But everything was good. Like you know, I couldn't like sleep, couldn't sleep better In the first time. That first night was not good, but the second one was great. That's the strategy I'm gonna give you to you guys get the spray, spray everything and then you stay there, get that. Just write it down right now. Well, yeah, then accommodation, alright. And then the second is here, because I organized two days At the city, like into the city you want to see, like I want to see the city. Yeah, well, yeah, good. And then here, the country which is this episode has been recorded, remember.

Speaker 3:

You go to my YouTube channel and then this is what you can see, like you can, if you want to listen to the, that's a right. You can have a look what I'm doing, hey, and watch me. You know, because there's so many people have been Asking me about when, hey, george, when you gonna make a visual, when you're gonna make visual. So that's what I am. I just, you know, I'm testing. I got this mindset is like, let's say, I don't want to give you too much details, but it's like I like to test everything before doing it. So I tested and adjusted, tested and adjusted Like a try and error, try an error, and that's what I'm doing right now. So, yeah, I'm reporting and yeah, I'm gonna Gonna put it in on in YouTube. So stay tuned, right.

Speaker 3:

So, accommodation, this one is great. So remember again, studio one, three, five. Go to Airbnb Bim, bim, bim, and the name of the host is lens L A N C E. Good, right, some. And then this is we are here at Freemans rich, freemans rich, so great place. Um, just remember the first time I was working, because when you get into this is Next to the road. There are like these forms they crop Torroth, the tour, the tour is the one. The things that they put it on is like grass, the, and they put it on the on the crickets, crickets, fields, or on the streets or Whatever you need to earth to earth is a tool and if that pronounce, all right, but it's grass, basically, yeah. So keep that in mind.

Speaker 3:

And I remember the first thought that one of the first jobs I did here in Australia that was basically laying down Tooth into the cricket grounds and on the streets. I was a funny, very funny, a very good job. I'll get friends. You can just met friends, but it's very repetitive Just get the roll and put it laid down and put it back, and I was one of the best doing that thing. I Remember manager Richard was the name of the guy was asking all the time I get George, get me George. I want jobs, george, george, george, those.

Speaker 3:

I remember that time that was summer. There was a lot of bad Packers because they came. That was a good thing because they came from Italy or England or you know it's a lot of. You know our people all around the world, even America, in Canada, and I got the opportunity, you know I was the only one from South America. I was like, oh, yeah, okay, let's do it. And yeah, yeah, it was good, it was, was was fun, it was good. Yeah, no one of the best job but jobs, but that was good.

Speaker 3:

And and yeah, and I was saying like, well, once you get your accommodation, you get this place is good. And then I'll organize the car or the vehicle and put wheels. We'll put wheels on there to my trip. And yeah, I get these hybrid vehicle, great today. And driving the Detritoria, the rough for excellent, great car, I'm feel. Consumption is amazing, great, just get one of those if you can. And because that's the will, that will be the future of of cars, I think. But Well, the future will be electric car. So maybe Hydrogen, hydrogen, I think well, but for now I think hybrid. They're going, they doing alright with hybrid vehicles and yeah, all right. So Once you got your car, then I start looking On the plane, I start looking restaurants or venues.

Speaker 3:

I went to a place called marble bar, which is good that place you can find. Actually, I was talking about that because I just posted in my Instagram. I found Guys in there. They were working, they were Dressed up with suits and they looked like like people from the office or like teachers or like Countants, you know, I mean, and they get into with this nice attitude and I was there like hey man, and it was there guys they were taking Photographs with, like selfies with the people around them.

Speaker 3:

And the guy there was a guy with a book. He was holding a book and they got this nice attitude and they went to make friends. And they went to make friends and the guy came and then say like yeah, and I was like yeah, can you please take my photograph with them? And I took a photograph with him and I was like I'm gonna say like man, you're doing great because, like he, they wanted to make friends, basically because he asked me to to pass my the photograph to him. So to do that, I needed to pass my phone number. I didn't but because I don't live here. But if I, if I live here, I'll do it. I just use whatever applications, like airdrop, and then just pass it through airdrop, and that was easy. But if I live here, I just definitely get friends like that. They were nice, nice guys and they were doing like it's such a nice thing, you know, like you're just trying to be friendly with the people around them.

Speaker 3:

And then, yeah, very, very nice, and in the marble bar is located near Town Hall. Town Hall is the train station in like in the city, in the CBD, basically, and then you can see people and then over there there's a lot of people like different ages and that's good, like mature people and then young people, and I found that great, like great, because it's not young people party, it's just young people. And then you know people mature and then it's a nice mixture of people. The DJ was great, amazing good DJ, 100% recommended. And then also I went to Manly Beach Manly Beach in, I think that's the northeast, and I went to a pub that was a bar bar, a pub. That was great, like that was a lot of people, nice vibes, not good DJ as well, excellent, that place. I forgot the name of that place, sorry, I don't know, but it's near the pier and it's just amazing.

Speaker 3:

I will come back over there so I can make any statement, because I need to go, like I need to organize my next trip. I'm going to organize it and I'm going to stay in Manly Beach, just there, that's it, and have fun over there, because it's a nice area. It deserves to stay there for probably two or three days, that's it. And now it's windy, if you can hear it I don't know if you can, the wind is, you know, but it's nice and, yeah, manly Beach is nice. I don't want to talk about those things because it's just, I need to go, I need to come back again and stay there and make a statement. I just stayed there for maybe two hours, which is, you know, you need more time to make a statement. Like, if you stare right now, I stay here.

Speaker 3:

For one night I drove to the shops and I drove back. It's a river, there's a river here, and there's like a beach as well, like it's not a beach, but yeah, it's a beach, I don't know beach and on this sand, and then that's the river, and then there was a lot of families over there and so, and I started thinking we, there was a lot of boys, you know, and young families playing next to the shore, and I was thinking why we forgot to be kids like, or childs like, the childs there, or the children. They enjoyed every moment, like every single moment. They can be near the sand and they don't need such like you know, they don't need like a big area to enjoy things, it's just a small area and they can, you know, they just they enjoy everything, they don't need anything special. And I was like when we like, we, because there's a cliché like we have like an interior, interior boy or who wants to play. Go like, okay, outside of ourselves and play, but sometimes we just where is that person? You know, we need that boy or that girl to, to take control of yourself, and that's the way we enjoy it. Then we became like like adults, like I don't know if you're an adult probably you are and then you you go and work, and then you go, and then you have a family, and then you know, and then you don't have time to enjoy. That's the thing we need to find time to enjoy, to enjoy whatever.

Speaker 3:

And here right now, recording a podcast, I'm just going to say how I kind of enjoy this, this. This is a nice weather here, windy, I like that Also. I'm surrounded by trees, horses, plants and dust, and I'm also thinking there's less electromagnetic pollution. And I was, I was thinking today, I was telling to my friends and family saying like I think the, the electromagnetic pollution, like the waves, wi-fi devices and all that stuff, they could, they could potentially they could have an impact on your whatever. Yeah, and they called me crazy, but it's a hypothesis, I need to test it as well, but yeah, I think, and then when people go on retirement so you know meditations and retirements or whatever, they're a way of electronic devices and they can relax and I think, yeah, it's the same thing. You need to relax. Relax, that's it. To relax, you need to just disconnect. I'm connected right now but I will disconnect later. This is just maybe one hour, that's it.

Speaker 3:

And then, yeah, so I was talking about CD. Yeah, cd is a nice CD, like well, but I don't want to talk about the CBD. The CBD is CBD. I think every CD has a CBD or downtown and they are the same. So there's people and then there's more compression, like people are more condensed into a small area. So there's skyscrapers or high-rise buildings and that's it. So I saw police on the street. That was Saturday night. There was like three or four police cars on the CBD and you know just the normal thing, you know like normal, that's it. Then I came here and I went like no, this is my place, yeah, country, amazing.

Speaker 3:

Now that's just keeping saying like maybe I need to move to the country, and that's the thing that I'm considering right now. I'm considering to move. I don't live in the city, but I live close to the city. But I'm considering now to move to the country and be part of the community. Because if you live in the city I've been living in the city for a while like there's no communities, whereas if you live in the country, probably you will find a community and you will be part of the community. So you'll be like one of the members of the community of I don't know whatever town or whatever. But if you're living in the city or not, next to the city it's just a guy who lives in a unit and that's it. You know the story.

Speaker 3:

So we need to make a choice. What do you want? Do you want to live in and be one more or one of one? You know, just a guy who lives in. You want to be a part of the community and be you know. And then if you go to the local shops and then you go every day, so you're going to see, maybe probably you've got more chances to get to know someone you know.

Speaker 3:

And then also I noticed this I don't know if you guys noticed I was I went to the shops and I said looking. I know that the sun's weird, because in Australia we don't look people to their faces. That's not right, but I did it quick and then I noticed that they were relaxed. So I started thinking, maybe less problems, right, I think, big city, big problems, like small, like a small town, small problems maybe. So, people in the faces, they were more relaxed. I was yeah, probably that's another hypothesis. I need to put it in test and test it, but I think I think I'm right. Let me have a break. Oh, the guy was yeah, he was rocking out, he was cranking up with the solo. Yeah, I don't know what was that. I'm telling you guys is that was sombra de la noche negra, pescado rabioso. Get that. Sombra de la noche negra, pescado rabioso. I just um, sorry, but I can just put 30, like 30 seconds, all right, so you have this break, 30 seconds break, then back. Yes, so I was.

Speaker 3:

I was talking about Freeman's reach, so great area. And yeah, I was talking about moving, moving myself into into the, into the country, like the country of farms or small towns where there was a settled community. Sometimes it like, if you live in in Melbourne, I was I can speak like from my perspective. If you live in in Melbourne, that's a lot of new, new suburbs, they're beautiful, they're not bad, but the people, the people who they, they move to that suburbs and that community takes something like, takes a time. That takes sometimes to settle, like to settle into a community, to became a proper community, whereas if you, if you live, if, if you move to a community to, um, you know, establish like an established community or like an established suburb, then it's easy to just be part of the community. But I think, anyway, like the people from the country, everywhere it's not here in Australia I'm talking about, I'm being in two countries actually, and in Colombia the same like people, people, the farmers, they're more, they're more friendly, totally 100%.

Speaker 3:

Like in Colombia, if you go to, to a farm, they just walking and they just you can stay there, they offer you accommodation, they offer you and I know if you, if you, if you've been to Colombia, you going to understand this and then if you, if you go to this countryside, and then you, and then they gonna offer you the farmers, they're gonna offer you accommodation, they're gonna offer you meals, they're gonna offer you everything, everything, men, they're gonna offer you everything and they are very friendly, got cool people, they're good people and probably here should be the same.

Speaker 3:

Um, yeah, they're more, they have less, like less rush, let's say, when you live in a rush, that's different. Look, I'm recording these podcasts without any rush and it's coming great. And you, I'm by myself. I don't have any guests today. I don't need guests to make my podcast great, because and I have and sometimes I have I just recorded one episode by myself and it was good. The metrics look at the metrics. That was good. And now this one, this one's gonna be great. Now let me have all my notes.

Speaker 3:

Gonna be organized when I put some music and let me have a look at my notes. Yeah, yeah, I'm back. Yeah, that's it. Alright.

Speaker 3:

So I was talking about the Sydney, the Sydney series of this podcast, so this is episode. So I got I got four things to say. I haven't been to the rooftop, unfortunately the weather wasn't good, but I went to the casino and I was. So, if you live in Sydney and if you go into the casino, the crown, you need to register and apply for how do you call this? Yeah, you need to register and apply for for for a membership so different to Melbourne casino, the crown casino. You're just walking and the guy at the reception the guy was, he was great, but he got this as like a tiny, I don't know. I feel like I felt like, oh, he got a tiny camera on his on the left of his shirt and I thought he was like recording me. I didn't ask him. He was recording me when he got this camera and I felt like, oh, I'm not gonna tell you the truth and I was complaining a little bit about that system. And, yeah, because if you local, you need to apply and wait.

Speaker 3:

And then, because I'm not like, I'm a foreigner, I'm coming from Melbourne, they told me no, no, no, you can't just we give you a straight away. And then I was like no, and I was, I was with someone. I was like no, I'm with this person, I'm just gonna. You know, I'm just living experience. I'm not coming here from the casino to, you know, do just ways like, I just come to the casino just to have a look and play. Yeah, of course, but and I was with someone I know just gonna left that person alone. You know like, oh, you just go home because I was just going to the casino, needed our, and that's that's the thing. So you need to consider, if you're going to the casino and and with the like a, with the local, then tell the person to apply for a membership, and then you just come, you do it by yourself, because they just gonna left you in, but not the other person. And then I went to the other one there's another casino called a start casino and now I was good, yeah, good, but that's right, it's just a casino.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think the crown casinos, the crown casino in Melbourne, it has a different experience and I'm not gonna talk Like I know going to support casinos and gambling, that's it. But the experience. I went to support the experience to go and have a look at the casino, and Melbourne and crown is better because they have inside the casino. They have Like on these rooms where they have live music, they have different bars, they have different Like things going on on Said night. If you go Saturday night and this, you're gonna find different things to do in the side of the casino and Disco decks and clubs and stuff like that. So, yeah, so you live on a spear like you, you can leave an experience over there, whereas at the Sydney crown casino is just a table games, that's it.

Speaker 3:

They told me the guy down in that reception that the reception he told me like no, that we just have on table games here, that's it, no more. And there was a pool. The pool was closed and I think the restaurant was closed as well. So Think about it. And yeah, just looking here, um, yep, I haven't been to national parks, so there's gonna be another episode, unfortunately, that's it. Yeah, that's it. That's it for now. So Now, after these are just going to to play some music and keep enjoying this beautiful weather, probably try to say hello to the neighbors and yeah, so, guys, this is the first episode Recording and video, so I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time. All right, enjoy. Bye. You, you.

Podcasting at the Airport
Travel Experiences and Local Recommendations
Exploring the Country and Sydney's Casinos