Unveiling it

What do you do in the Hump day?

October 25, 2023 George Season 1 Episode 4
What do you do in the Hump day?
Unveiling it
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Unveiling it
What do you do in the Hump day?
Oct 25, 2023 Season 1 Episode 4

Come, journey with me, George, your friendly neighbourhood host, as we take a midweek pause to celebrate the small things in life. I bare my soul about my love affair with vegetarianism, enhanced by the spice-rich palette of Indian cuisine. Let's explore how we can nurse our gym injuries back to health, guided by my personal experience of a bench press mishap, and discover the remarkable merits of intermittent fasting. As we brace Melbourne's unpredictable weather, let's unearth ways to find joy and positivity in the gloomiest of days. To sweeten the day, I'll let you in on a mesmerising Brazilian song that will undeniably lift your spirits.

As we delve deeper into the week, I offer you a sneak peek into my personal self-care rituals. Join me as I indulge in good food, the adrenaline rush of a good workout, and the relaxing serenity of a sauna session. I'll share my dreams of embracing the digital nomad lifestyle, recount my gratitude for Australia and its abundant blessings, and discuss my podcasting journey. I firmly believe every individual has a unique story to tell, and I encourage you to share yours too. So, tune in to engage, connect and add a bright spark to your week!

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Come, journey with me, George, your friendly neighbourhood host, as we take a midweek pause to celebrate the small things in life. I bare my soul about my love affair with vegetarianism, enhanced by the spice-rich palette of Indian cuisine. Let's explore how we can nurse our gym injuries back to health, guided by my personal experience of a bench press mishap, and discover the remarkable merits of intermittent fasting. As we brace Melbourne's unpredictable weather, let's unearth ways to find joy and positivity in the gloomiest of days. To sweeten the day, I'll let you in on a mesmerising Brazilian song that will undeniably lift your spirits.

As we delve deeper into the week, I offer you a sneak peek into my personal self-care rituals. Join me as I indulge in good food, the adrenaline rush of a good workout, and the relaxing serenity of a sauna session. I'll share my dreams of embracing the digital nomad lifestyle, recount my gratitude for Australia and its abundant blessings, and discuss my podcasting journey. I firmly believe every individual has a unique story to tell, and I encourage you to share yours too. So, tune in to engage, connect and add a bright spark to your week!

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Welcome to another episode of chatting with George today. We're gonna have a nice conversation today and I hope everyone is having fun today. Everyone had a good day at work.


I hope everyone is having fun having a lot of emotions. Today we're listening to French bands called L'Empératrice. Voodoo is a voodoo that's the name of the sound. It's a little bit funky. Today here in Australia is Wednesday, wednesday 9. We're gonna call it here at the Hamtei about the middle of the week and that's the topic. What do you guys do during the middle of the week? I just want to hear in the comments on my Instagram. Don't forget to follow my Instagram account. It's George podcast with S. You guys can find everything in there and follow this show. So I wondered, because I always do in the Hoptei. I became vegetarian this year 2023. And I love to spoil myself with vegetarian food. Indian food is one of the best options I have here in Melbourne. There's a lot of good restaurants around and where I live and Indian food is one of the options. India is a big continent, so there's a lot of traditions there's a lot of dishes, so I got friends as well from India.


I'm having, I think, the North dishes, so I like to have these lentils rice and I think they call it paneer, which is cottage cheese. I love that. That's my favourite. So you guys think, what do you like to have for Wednesdays, and I would love to read your comments and have feedback. I love to spoil myself with food and also exercise as well. That's one of the things I like to have on my bucket list To go to the gym. Have fun over there and also get inside the sauna.


The sauna is great, has a lot of health benefits, so I like to spoil myself into high temperatures, which helps the immune system to recover from work, from whatever you've been experiencing during the week. So just think about it. What do you do on the half-day, on the middle of the week? Have a think, now that you've thought it, now you get in your mind and that's the way you do it, and then you do it. That's what I do Today, wednesday. We have a really good weather in Melbourne. Melbourne has like we have hail, we have windy and we are in the spring actually, but we haven't get into that point. We still feel like we are in winter, right, but we are now almost in the light spring. So, yeah, how do you do as well? That's my question. Why do you do, guys, when you have these bad weather, what's the best thing you do? Just think about it and let me know. And yeah, obviously you're going to have bad days and then good days as well, so that's the thing we need to face sometimes.


And yeah, today I just decided to relax at home, record this podcast, have a chat with myself and you guys. I'm going to be doing this half an hour talking about what you do in the hump day. Hump day.


You know, like a hump Hump is the thing that the cums had just to keep water and keep things to survive from the desert. So I think that's a good analogy. So it's what we do to survive to the rest of the week. So it's a good Wednesday. It's good because you can recover, you do stuff, you just you know, you just get yourself and you just get ready for the next days, right, so, yeah, so let me know.


What do you do, guys? And, yeah, what's the best, what's the best thing to do Tonight? I'm feeling like disco tonight, so I'm just gonna run couple of music, disco and you guys enjoy. This is Brazilian. Yeah, we are. We are listening to Some call repair, repair and for those who speaks in Portuguese, please let me know if I said it all right. I speak Spanish. That's my mother language. English is my second language. So, yeah, so you guys, whatever who speaks in Portuguese, let me know how you spell that.


And if you like this song, I'm just gonna leave it on the on the description of the podcast, just gonna leave the sounds and you can, guys, go to your favorite streaming platform and have a look at. I'm putting in when you do an exercises, where you do your workout routine, or when you commuting to work, you guys can have fun, well, well. So the same is Wednesday. Here. We have 10 degrees outside, it's nighttime here is around 8, 35 pm and sit down in my bedroom. I'm thinking what should I do today, wednesday, what you guys do on Wednesdays? Today I'm been trying to recover our healing for Injured I had in the gym. Very idiot. I was doing bench press and 80 kilos Get inside my ribs on my left side, near to the lungs, and it hurt. And what are you strategies to heal? So? So what I did is I went to fasting, I did some intervening fasting and I used physicists like heat, cold and putting ice, ice packs, which are doing what I'm doing right now, and also hot showers and, of course, sauna. Great. So what you guys do for healing when you go to the gym, whatever you do the guys who do suicides, let me know. I like to recover, I like to do things quick, so that's why I just went to do fasting and just have a great fasting. Interim fasting has become a trend, so you guys can have a look. Which are the benefits? There's a lot of benefits on intermittent fasting. These sports cut today is going to be music, music and joy. Well, welcome back you guys. Welcome to chatting with George.


Today we are recording from Melbourne, australia, and I expected to be recorded everywhere in the world. So that's how I was studying today to my friend. I got a friend, nice friend. I'm gonna say hello to Colt. Colt Newton is one of the best friends I have at work and I was telling that to Colt. I was saying like, yeah, man, I would really want to be a digital nomad. I just really want to be around the world because that's where I belong and that's why we are belong. We belong to the world, not just the country we attach to a passport, but we belong to the world. That's the truth. That's what I talked to Colt and I say that's why I started this podcast. I started this podcast because I just wanted to be around the world and I've been really, really, really proud of this podcast and really proud to you guys.


We're getting audience in five countries right now. So far, I'm getting a bit audiences here in Australia. So thanks for my mates, thank you very much for the Australians. So please give it a clap, please, please, please. This has been great and yeah and just really, really, really enjoyed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is a applause. Give it a applause. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah For you guys there. Yeah, just give it a clap. I'm gonna shoot out for you guys in Australia. I really love this country. That's what I'm hearing at the moment. Of course, this country has given me a lot of these mindset that I have right now and a lot of my growing and so I'm just very thankful with Australia, the Australian people, the Australian everyone. So thanks, thank you, thank you.


And yeah, so I'm just gonna answer the idea of how these podcasts get into my mind, so why I decided to come here and talk to you guys. And the answer is everyone has a story and that's where I talk today to, to Danny and to my friends. I'll talk today and I'll say, like, look, everyone has something interesting to say and that's what I plan to. Have my best friends here, or maybe you you listen to me now, maybe you can be here talking with me, chatting with George. That's the idea. And just let me be the host. I'm a good husband.


Some music for you guys, enjoy, alright, we come back. So in the background we have Positive Humor by Angelo Ferreira, a little bit of disco, funky. That's the mood from the Wednesdays. So what's your mood? Just think about it. And yeah, today I just decided to record today, put it on live. Put it live Just to say thank you to people who've been listening to the podcast, and thanks to Danny Fuentes to be here as well. If you listen to me as well, just all the best. It's going to be in one of the formats we're going to have more people coming and, yeah, this is chatting with George.


So how you guys think about the plan today? Are you guys thinking any plan? What are you going to do tonight? Maybe Netflix and Chill, maybe order some food or maybe cook for yourself. Just think about it and do it. That's what I do. That's why I created this podcast.


So today I just decided to record and talk about how the idea came and now that we're doing it, I just want to say thank you for you guys, and this is going to be the first episode in English, so just take the advantage to say thank you to all of you and, yeah, and just remind you that you can do whatever you want to do it. You just need to put your goals and just go for it. That's it. Yeah, so we just have some music again for you guys. Just keep enjoying it. If you do an exercise, if you run outside, if you lift your weight or whatever you're doing right now, just have in mind life is short. We need to enjoy it.


You see, chatting with your podcast, alright, she came back and just wanted to say hello to my friend in Sydney, sylvia. She just chatting with her right now. I just told her to come here to say hello to you guys, but she was a little bit shy. So, yeah, I think she's at the gym right now. She's laughing, yeah, and yeah, she's just, she just arrived to Australia this year. So, yeah, we're gonna have her, maybe next time, yeah, because she's a bit shy, but yeah, I have her and you guys gonna met her. She's very nice, she's, she's great. So, yeah, I just I just take this opportunity to say hello to her, yeah, yeah, well, I was saying like, right now, we've been three days on earth and I just going to show you guys the stats. So we're doing right. We have 30 almost 30 downloaders. So please give you guys a shout out, give it a bit of applause for you guys. Yeah, yeah, it's been great.


Look, this is. We have challenges and we need to overcome from these challenges. This is a challenge for me, and then I doing it right now. So, guys, keep that in mind every time you got a challenge, you need to overpass everything. Anything, anything, you can do it, and that's that's what I started this and now I'm recording by myself. This is Wednesday, the home day. Join. Well, back here again. So just guys, I just wanted to remind you, whatever you're doing, guys outside, be safe, stay safe. We're gonna have really, really nice weather in the coming days, coming days. So also remember that we just experienced a couple of big changes in the weather, so that's why we've been experiencing this long winter.


But always remember that you just need to be connected with the environment. Yeah Well, we're just coming to the end Today. I just want to chat about the home day, what you guys do. I normally spoil myself with food and a nice tea or a nice infusion I'm terrible infusions and, yeah, that's what I do. I exercise myself. I keep myself on track, feet and healthy. That's what I do. That's what I love to do. I'm on Wednesdays. That's today's podcast. I hope you guys have a great day today. And this podcast, remember, is the George series Chatting with George. You guys keep safe. Goodbye, alright. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Middle of the Week
Home Day and Self-Care